Content Marketing

5+ New Rules of Email Marketing – Are you Ready?

Email Marketing still rules the roost regarding how many consumers prefer to receive marketing content. The significant change is that email has become a two-way street, and there are several steps that you need to take to coax your readers into interacting with you on your terms.


However, personalizing emails is an excellent way of building relationships with customers while keeping in touch. It allows you to send promotional messages and offers to your customers directly. The best part is that it’s free! 

In this post, we will be looking at some of the predictions for the future of email marketing and how it will change in the next few years.

1. Emails Are Your Most Effective Marketing Tool

Email marketing is not dead, but it’s undoubtedly in the throes of significant evolution. We’ve seen the rise of social media new ways to connect with customers (like chatbots). 

With the latest trends in email marketing, you’ll be able to generate $38 for every single dollar spent on email marketing.

The email will remain a viable method of reaching consumers and building brand loyalty. We predict that emails will be your best way to reach consumers; data analytics lets you see where potential customers hang out online and offline.

2. Admit The Era Of The DIY Marketer

With the advent of social media and the internet, there has been a sea change in the way consumers relate to brands. Gone are the days when a business could dictate to its customers what they liked and didn’t. 

Nowadays, even small-time businesses can have a say in their target market, which allows them to communicate with customers personally.

It’s much more than just a fad, and it’s a new way of life that’s here to stay and not going anywhere any time soon. DIY marketers are interested in becoming the best at what they do and taking control over their destiny.

With the many DIY tools available, you can ensure that every customer touchpoint is attractive and fits your brand. Modern email service providers offer marketers intuitive and easy-to-use tools for creating beautiful emails without the need for development.

Let’s now embrace the DIY marketer toolkit.

Pre-designed Email Templates

Pre-designed Email Templates


Email outperforms every other digital channel in terms of ROI, mainly because it’s a personal way to connect with customers and prospects.

However, this is an area where you can quickly lose control if you don’t have a set strategy in place. With many tools and platforms available today, it’s getting increasingly difficult for small and medium businesses to stand out.

Pre-designed email templates are the solution to this problem. They help you generate more leads by creating a great user experience.

There are many sources where you can find pre-designed templates for your emails, such as BayEngage and many others. There are also templates for different purposes: general, email collection, newsletter, product promotion, sales, etc. You can also find free ones.

Moreover, DIY email tools allow marketers to easily customize their email templates with a drag-and-drop editor, layouts, and a set of branded colours and fonts.

3. Embrace Mobile-ready Email Design

Whether or not to design emails for mobile devices has been heavily debated in the email marketing world, and it’s a fairly standard discussion amongst marketers and developers. 

On the one hand, designing emails for mobile devices seems like a no-brainer. On the other hand, some argue that creating emails for smartphones is counter-intuitive to engaging clients through email.

However, mobile-ready email design is a must these days. More and more people are reading their emails on the go, so it’s essential to make your emails responsive across all platforms.

Having a mobile-friendly email design doesn’t just help with delivering content—it also increases engagement. 65% of consumers who receive mobile-friendly emails are more likely to buy from that company. That’s why companies need to make sure their emails look good on any screen size.

Mobile-responsive Templates

Mobile-responsive Templates

Many people have already started to use smartphones to check their emails. They love to use smartphones because they are more convenient than laptops and can be carried around at any time. 

The fact that people are moving from desktops to mobile devices means that the number of visitors who check their email from a mobile device is increasing.

For this reason, you have to make sure that your email templates are compatible with any device. It is recommended that you test your emails on various platforms like desktop and mobile browsers and various smartphone operating systems before sending them out. 

4. Send Relevant Emails, or You’ll Be Deleted.

Sending relevant emails to customers is the best way to engage them and ultimately increase conversions and sales. 

Many companies are missing this point, though. They send out massive amounts of emails but are not targeted. They just blast it out to every person on their list, whether they are interested or not. That’s a quick way to lose subscribers.

The best email marketing campaigns include several different types of emails. There should be one email for special offers, one for updates about new products, etc. The key is to keep people interested and to come back for more.

It’s easy to personalize your emails and send targeted messages to subscribers. Just consider these three components:


Sending relevant emails is like chipping away at a massive iceberg. It’s not just about the message you send but how you segment your audience to send them relevant content. An excellent way to start is by seeing what your current customers want.

Segmentation is a great way to get started with email marketing. It can be as simple as dividing users into categories that make sense for your business. For example, you’re selling different kinds of products or services. From there, you can start sending different emails to each group based on their interests.


Most people don’t realize how much time they spend sending personalized emails to their contacts. They have to make changes in the email content and send it to their clients. To save time, they use ESPs.

Email automation allows business owners to schedule emails and send them at a future date. This helps the users save time and focus on other essential tasks.

Dynamic Content

Dynamic content is the key to getting valuable subscribers and sales. When dynamic content is implemented into email campaigns, companies can see a massive increase in engagement and open rates. Dynamic content allows you to send specific emails based on the user’s past behaviour.

For example, if a user opens a few emails but never purchases anything from your store, send them an email with one of your best products or a sale on what they previously viewed. This will help improve engagement and increase sales.

5. Make The Most Of The New Analytics Era.

A few years ago, it was difficult for the marketing department to learn about a campaign’s effectiveness until after the operations team compiled the data. Today, marketers have real-time access to analytics in their CRM tools.

Email analytics are crucial for modern marketers. Email marketing is one of the best ways to connect with your customers, and email analytics can help you understand how effective your campaigns are. 

Every company will have an email marketing campaign. But not all companies have a good email marketing strategy. Before you create an email marketing campaign, make sure you’re using these two tips to ensure that you’re reaching your full potential and getting the most out of your emails.

A/B Testing

A/B Testing

In some situations, you are better off just taking a shot in the dark and letting the results speak for themselves. But when it comes to A/B testing, there is nothing to lose by trying it out.

When you are developing a new campaign, say for a new product or even just a new landing page, there are several elements that you can change around to see what increases conversion rates the most. You can test the colour of your call-to-action buttons, the length of your copy, the headline on your ad, and much more.

Campaign Effectiveness

Measuring campaign effectiveness is essential to your business. It will tell you if your marketing initiatives are working or not, where you should focus your budget and what kind of ROI you’re getting from each channel.

Campaigns can be measured in different ways. Counting the number of clicks or page views is one way, but it doesn’t tell the whole story.

The best way to measure a campaign is by calculating its Return On Investment (ROI). The ROI gives you the value for money spent on a campaign. It tells you how much money was spent.

6. Leverage The Power of Transactional Emails

You should start using transactional emails to engage your customers and boost your business. They are beneficial for communicating with customers, re-engaging them, and driving more sales. 

Leverage The Power of Transactional Emails

Transactional emails are one of the most effective ways to build a relationship with your customers. Moreover, customers who receive transactional messages from businesses are more likely to feel valued by the company they do business with. 

Experian said transactional emails have 4-8x higher open rates than traditional emails. And, customers feel more valued after receiving a transactional email from their favourite brands.

You already know that great marketing emails can work wonders for your business and your bottom line. 

What you may not realize is that transactional emails—those simple, plain Shopify order confirmation emails you send to confirm a purchase, say thank you for signing up with us, or remind customers of their rewards—can be an extremely effective way to turn your customers into lifelong fans.

To Wrap Up Things!

Email Marketing has been an integral part of the business world for years. As technology continues to evolve, so does the way we communicate. These new rules will allow businesses to connect with their clients; personally, that was not possible before. 

However, to stay ahead of the competition and be successful in 2022 and beyond, it’s essential to learn these new rules now while they are still fresh in your mind.

About author

Janani H is a Content Writer at TargetBay, an Ecommerce Marketing Cloud used by thousands of online stores across the globe. She enjoys writing about the power of emails in marketing, and when she isn't writing, she can be found riding the Metro and trying out new local foods.