When Should You Use Remarketing Lists for Search Ads

Remarketing is valuable for keeping website visitors and turning them into customers. Usually, you would need a PPC agency knowledgeable about setting it up.

Using Remarketing Lists for Search Ads (RLSA), you can create lists of people who have visited your site and target them with customized ads when they search for terms related to your products or services on Google.

But when should you use RLSA, and how can you get the most out of it? This article will answer those questions so you can make the most of RLSA for your business.

When Should You Use Remarketing Lists for Search Ads?

What are Remarketing Lists for Search Ads?

Remarketing lists for search advertising (RLSA) is a feature that enables you to:

  • customize your search ads campaign for users who have already visited your website, and
  • target your bids and adverts to them when they conduct searches on Google and search partner websites.

There’s a chance that some visitors who look for your keywords have already visited your website. For example:

  • They might be entirely new to your website and have not yet heard of your excellent company.
  • They might have visited your website but left without taking action.
  • They might have added things to a shopping cart on your website but then removed them.

As a business, using remarketing lists enables you to get in touch with pre-qualified prospects to encourage conversion. There are two ways to use RLSAs:

  1. Making significant changes for users (remarketing lists) who search on Google using the keywords you are bidding on
  2. Set up search ad groups so that they only display advertisements to users on your Remarketing list who are also searching for the keywords you are bidding on.

What Are the Benefits of Using Remarketing Lists for Search Ads?

There are many benefits to using Remarketing Lists for Search Ads, including:  

  • Higher ROI and ROAS  

Higher CVR (conversion rate) arises from higher CTR, which generates a higher ROI when combined with a lower CPA. Higher ROI and ROAS, however, do not imply that your revenues are rising; instead, they indicate that they exceed your expenses, which may not be as exciting.

Increasing the size of your remarketing list by attracting more users to your website can also boost your overall revenue. That means you need to use strategies like RLSAs.

  •  Adjusting the Bids  

One more advantage of RLSA campaigns is the ability to change the bids based on how likely the client will make a purchase soon. Ad bids can be adjusted by considering several factors, such as demographics, pages viewed, time spent on the site, and keyword type.

  •  Cheaper Cost  

Maintaining low expenses is one of your advertising campaigns’ primary goals. If you re-engage your previous visitors with RLSA, this is highly possible. One of them is because of a higher quality score.

With a higher quality score, you may compete for the same SERP position for a particular term while spending less on advertising. Consequently, a reduced CPC (cost per click) may be enough to keep the same ad rank.

Remarketing Lists for Search Ads: When to Use Them  

The RLSA feature is beneficial for any business that uses pay-per-click advertising, as it allows you to fine-tune your campaigns for those who have already shown an interest in your products or services.

You can use RLSA when you want to:  

1. Connect with visitors who have already engaged with your website in the past.

If you already have website visitors, you can use RLSA to try and get them to come back and take action. For example, if they visited your site but didn’t buy anything, you could create an RLSA campaign that gives them a discount the next time they purchase.

2. Reach out to people using advanced demographic criteria.

You can create RLSA campaigns that target people based on demographic information, such as location, age, and gender. This is useful if you have a physical store and want to reach people who live near you.

3. Remain in touch with those who have previously expressed interest in your goods or services.

If you know that someone has visited your website and looked at a particular product or service, you can use RLSA to target them with ads for that specific product or service. It is a perfect way to get people who are already interested in what you have to offer to take action.

4. Increase your chances of conversion  

By reaching out to visitors who have already been to your website, you’re more likely to get them to take action, whether making a purchase, signing up for your email list, or filling out a form.

5. Track down loyal customers and expand your reach to those that resemble your clients.

You can use RLSA to target people who have already purchased on your website and those who resemble your current customers. It is a great way to find new customers who are likely interested in your offer.

6. Save money on your advertising campaigns.

RLSA is a great way to save money on your advertising campaigns, as you’re just trying to attract those who have already expressed an interest in your offer. It means you’re more likely to get a return on your investment and save money on your ad spend.

7. Get more out of your existing marketing efforts.  

If you’re already doing remarketing, you can use RLSA to get more out of your existing marketing efforts. For example, if you’re running a display advertising campaign, you can use RLSA to target people who have already seen your ads.

8. Improve your ROI.

By focusing on people more likely to convert, you’re more likely to see a return on your investment. It is because you’re not wasting your time and money on people not interested in your offer.

9. Fine-tune your campaigns.

You can use RLSA to fine-tune your campaigns and ensure you’re targeting the right people. For example, if you’re running a general remarketing campaign, you can use RLSA to target visitors who have accessed your website in the previous 30 days.

10. Increase your brand awareness.

You increase your brand awareness by targeting people who have already shown interest in your products or services. People are likelier to remember your brand when they see it again.

Remarketing Lists for Search Ads: When to Use Them

Successful Strategies for Utilizing RLSAs

Now that you know when to use them. Here are some tips for using RLSA to create successful campaigns:  

1. Show advertisements solely to visitors who have already visited a page on your website.

These tactics work only by allowing the keywords and ads to be displayed when the Google searcher is also a subscriber to your remarketing list. The following strategies show how the list could include visitors to a specific page on your website or anyone who visited your site:

  • Take advantage of a limited advertising budget.
  • Bid with broader keywords, but only for the most knowledgeable users
  • evaluate your brand campaign
  • Upsell to interested clients
  • Customize your landing pages and ad copy for current users.

2. Reduce bids where users aren’t crucial to you.  

You might think about lowering your bids for an audience if it is less important to you, but there is still a probability that they will convert. For instance, rather than entirely excluding a market, a software company would merely choose to lower the bids of consumers who have purchased their product.

3. Target competitors’ customers

It is a more sophisticated way of finding potential new customers. By analyzing your competitor’s marketing strategy and understanding which keywords they are targeting, you can add these to your RLSA campaign, allowing your ads to be displayed to people searching for your competitor’s products or services.

4. Use negative keywords  

To prevent your advertising from showing, use negative keywords for people who are not interested in what you have to offer. For example, if you’re a travel company, you might want to use negative keywords such as “free” or “cheap”. It will help prevent your ads from being displayed to people looking for free or cheap travel options.

5. Target different stages of the buying cycle 

You can use RLSA to target different stages of the buying cycle. For example, if you’re a travel company, you might want to target people in the research phase with ads for your travel guide. If you’re a hotel, you might want to target people in the booking phase with ads for your hotel.

Final Thoughts  

Using remarketing Lists for Search Ads can be a great way to improve your campaigns and get more out of your marketing budget. By foci people more likely to convert, you can increase your ROI and fine-tune your campaigns.

Additionally, targeting different buying cycle stages can improve your brand awareness and get more bookings. If you’re not already using RLSA, now is the time to start!

About author

Richa Pathak is Founder & Editor at SEM Updates – The Digital Marketing Magazine. She is an emerging digital marketing influencer, a creative consultant & a corporate trainer. With a decade of experience in working with B2C & B2B brands across the globe, she is also a featured author in top-10 marketing magazines globally. She offers various consulting, training, & mentorship programs to share her knowledge. Richa's principle - Plan, Execute, Learn, Implement, Repeat! Digital marketing is Richa's passion & love. She is an innovator & wants to explore more, learn more, try different tools, hacks with various campaigns. She loves reading non-fiction books and does nature photography.