PPC Advertising

How New AdWords Interface will Ease Out the Bidding Process & PPC Budgeting

Pay per click model helps the advertisers to promote their services and products when people search for certain things on search engines. To make the ads appear on the Search Engine Result Page (SERP) more prominently, an Ad auction – bidding system which is entirely automated, is used to procure more relevant and valid ads.

Since the Advertisers and Marketers are charged for the clicks on their ads, it is very important to finalize and demarcate their advertising budget.

Paid Ads to achieve business goals is a very renowned method amongst advertisers and marketers that help them evaluate the number of Leads generated.

Equations used for a Lead generation:

(Revenue/Sales period) / Average sale = Number of Customers

Number of Customers / Conversion Rate = Number of Leads

Number of Leads / Conversion Rate on Traffic = Amount of Traffic

Paid Ads aid in the business generation when SEO, email marketing, and social media marketing fail to produce the desired results.

To simplify the process of Advertising, Google has introduced some exclusive features of the new AdWords UI that may simplify the task of deciding the advertising budget.

New UI brings more comfort with the changed look and easy operations. Certain features have been recently integrated to help analyze how the marketing campaign is performing.

Promotion extension is one of the features which help to tag a specific offer through a tag icon that makes the ad stand out.

A feature known as Household income targeting under Demographics tab displays a chart that shows how the campaign is profiting along with household income segments. Adding to that, Bid adjustments can be done at the campaign or ad group level.

To manage the target audience and optimizations, a new ‘Audiences’ page has been introduced which offers a single point of management for target, bidding, and observations.

Advertisers will be at ease as the new landing page will improve the overall experience of a user, also increasing the efficiency of ads listed by them. This feature aims to target mobile campaigning.

In-market audiences are the active customers that search for different websites, ads, best deals, and offers for a particular product. Such customers can be streamlined if the advertiser’s campaign performance is high and matching their goals.

With the new interface, store transactions done under the loyalty program could be tracked and imported directly into AdWords.

Google Attribution, a simplified version of Attribution 360 will help pull the data from Google Analytics, AdWords, and Double Click search. The clicks to conversion events data that is populated into analytics can now help to give the feedback to AdWords and Double Click Search making bidding decisions easy for Marketers.

Promotion extension offers an opportunity to display sales or promotional campaigns running on the site. Offers, promo codes can be added in promotion extension. AdWords ad copy has a very limited scope adds details. It provides you additional space to highlight the offers.

Google introduced more powerful reporting analytics for dayparting and device ad insights. These insights allow you to make more informed decisions and optimize the campaign for better results.

Many such features are being introduced by Google for enhancing the ease of use and giving more clear insight to the marketers for PPC budget evaluation.

About author

Richa Pathak is Founder & Editor at SEM Updates – The Digital Marketing Magazine. She is an emerging digital marketing influencer, a creative consultant & a corporate trainer. With a decade of experience in working with B2C & B2B brands across the globe, she is also a featured author in top-10 marketing magazines globally. She offers various consulting, training, & mentorship programs to share her knowledge. Richa's principle - Plan, Execute, Learn, Implement, Repeat! Digital marketing is Richa's passion & love. She is an innovator & wants to explore more, learn more, try different tools, hacks with various campaigns. She loves reading non-fiction books and does nature photography.